Trying too hard...

What I have been doing here on everything2 for some time, I guess...

With 17 writeups, and only 14 XP, it seems that maybe I have wanted that level 2 a bit too much. Of course, I have written a number of writeups that are resting in node heaven. When I look back on many of them, I usually think "What the flying finn was I thinking... that writeup has crapola stamped all over it". But some of them, the ones that I have given the most thought of all, the ones that I think are really, really good... they're in node heaven too!

Obviously my talents as a writer is not appreciated. But I can live with that... it's not as if people usually agree with my views, so I'm used to it. I'll just continue to write harmless writeups that doesn't really mean anything to anybody, except a small smirk perhaps, and get the usual +4/-1 response.

That's totally OK by me, really :)

Perhaps I should have mentioned the sad news from the USA, but I just don't know what to say...