The Ironies

I get married in 13 days... and today I was peeling potatoes. You know where this is going, what does a potato and me getting married have in common? I sliced off half my ring finger's nail on my left hand. My fiance asked me, "So, what if I can't get the ring on your finger? Will you still marry me?" Lol...

My younger brother happened to be in the room and I was trying to set a good example - so I didn't allow the curse words to fly out of my mouth. Instead I threw the potato peeler into the sink, it bounced back up and hit me in the face. So my finger is bleeding profusely and I'm a bit disoriented from hitting myself. But I still had 10 potatoes to peel, we had family coming over, and even though I was dripping blood I knew my little brother wouldn't get off the couch from watching television to finish peeling.

Men are Big Babies when Wounded

I wouldn't let my fiance touch my hand. I wouldn't let her clean the wound, let alone wrap it. It freaking hurt! Yeah and here I am typing without using my ring finger, lol. My pinky is a trooper, lucky for me, capable of doing double finger duty. In any case I probably wrapped my finger more than was needed. I can barely even bend it. The first aide kit had some of that ankle brace wrap... and well I used it.

Wedding Words of Wisdom

Even the people who hardly say a word to me usually, friends, family, or random people at church, have some marriage council for me. Some words are worth repeating, "While you're getting married for each other, the wedding is for everyone else." That was my debate coach speaking. That really brought to light the retarded procedures you go through to get a wedding put together. Order a cake, get a priest lined up, send out invites, get photos taken, decorate, blah blah blah... For starters - I hate cake. I have bad hand writing, and my fiance wanted to address the envelopes by hand. I have to get in a line for the reception, as people who are probably related to me - that I don't know in practically any regard, come down and shake my hand and utter more pointless words of wisdom.

Now, I apologize for the cynicism, but I just want to whisk my woman off and get to our honeymoon in Vegas. Luckily we did end up finding a cake I actually enjoyed. Spice batter with apple filling. Kind of tastes like an apple pie. My fiance is under my covers right now and every time I look over my shoulder at her she pulls the blankets over her head. She's playing some sort of peekaboo. I guess that's time for me to get off... haha.