A long three days after the Democratic contest, the Republican Party holds their contest, a contest that is supposed to set the stage for Super Tuesday. But a caucus is a caucus, Nevada is Nevada, and 45 minutes after the caucuses closed, reports are still pouring in. From early reports, it looks like a Trump victory.

Its hard to filter the results away from my current state, which is one of exhaustion. I have been busy, and am watching the results come in with one eye open. In some ways, that makes me a good reporter, because I can understand the three weeks of breakneck racing, ups and downs, reverses and come-backs, and the feeling that the grinding of campaigning is not leading anywhere. This race manages to be both crazy and repetitive, mixing a whiplash pace with the feeling that it isn't going anywhere. So with results still coming in, I will use a playing card metaphor apropos for Nevada: this is the Red Queen race.