As many CS departments around the US are moving to Java for their teaching language, I feel that it's time for me to share the Linked List I (and with help from a friend) developed recently. Note: this list takes objects; not primitive types.

// This class used to define a Doubly Linked List.

public class ListClass

// Declares Nodes for the starting position, the current 
// position, and the end position of the list.

	protected Node start;
	protected Node current;
	protected Node end;

// This is the default constructor for the List.
// It assigns all omnipresent Nodes to null.

	public ListClass()
	start = current = end = null;

// This method, firstnode() takes an object and puts it in 
// a new Node in the list.

	private void firstNode(Object oneObject)
	start = current = end = new Node(oneObject, null, null);

// This method, addBefore() takes an object and puts it in
// a new Node in the list, which is then added before other
// nodes in the list.
// This is the method which should be used when implementing
// a Stack with this List class.

	public void addBefore(Object twoObject)

			Node dummy = new Node(twoObject, current, current.getPrev());
				start = dummy;
				Node prevNode = current.getPrev();

			current = dummy;

// This method, addAfter() takes an object and puts it in
// a new node in the list, which is then added after other
// nodes in the list.
// This is the method which should be used when implementing
// a Queue with this List class.

	public void addAfter(Object newObject)
		if(start == null)
			Node dummy = new Node(newObject, null, current); 
			end = current = dummy;

// This method, conCat() takes a node and concatenates its
// contents to a String. It is used by the toString() method
// in this class.

	private String conCat(Node foo)
	 	if(foo != null)
			return("" + foo.getObject().toString() + "\n" + conCat(foo.getNext()));

// This method, toString() provides a string representation
// of the contents of a node. It works by calling the conCat()
// method.
	public String toString()

Of course, you might want to use a node class with the following fields and methods when you implement the above list:

// This class provides a comprehensive definition
// of a Node that can be used in Linked Lists,
// and all derived data structures.

public class Node

// Declares an object to hold the contents of the node,
// as well as neighboring nodes next and previous.

	public Object contents;
	public Node next;
	public Node previous;

// This is the default constructor for the Node class.
// It takes an object and assigns it to the contents field,
// and also takes a neighboring node next.

	public Node(Object nodeValue, Node next)
		contents = nodeValue; = next;

// This is the overridden constructor for the Node class.
// It takes an object and assigns it to the contents field,
// and also takes two neighboring nodes, next and previous.

	public Node(Object nodeValue, Node nnext, Node prev)
		contents = nodeValue;
		next = nnext;
		previous = prev;

// This method, setNext() assigns a node to the next node
// available in the list.

	public void setNext(Node tempNext)
		next = tempNext;

// This method, getObject() returns the contents of the 
// current node to the calling object.

	public Object getObject()
		return contents;

// This method, getNext() returns the next node available
// in the list to the calling object.

	public Node getNext()
		return next;

// This method, getPrev() returns the previous node
// available in the list to the calling object.

	public Node getPrev()
		return previous;

// This method, setPrevious assigns a node to the previous
// node available in the list.

	public void setPrevious(Node tempPrevious)
		previous = tempPrevious;