P. E. I. Bonewits is known among persons concerned about dangerous cults as the creator of the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame, or ABCDEF. As a neopagan and druid leader, Bonewits is concerned to reduce the number of people harmed by dangerous cults -- but also to help people distinguish between innocent "new religious movements" (such as most of neopaganism) and harmful ones.

He is also an outspoken critic of Satanism, and particularly of many Satanists' attempts to convince the public that Satanism is part of neopaganism. Satanists, he argues, have attempted to co-opt the public's growing tolerance for neopaganism, and done so to neopaganism's detriment. His essays on the subject include "My Satanic Adventure" and "The Enemies of our Enemies".