Magic: The Gathering card. Information from Magic: The Database

Card Title: Verdigris
Card Type: Instant
Color: Green
Edition(s): Tempest
Artist(s): Zina Saunders
Casting Cost: 2G
Rarity: Uncommon

Card Text: Destroy target artifact.


  • Info: Color=Green Type=Instant Cost=2G TE(U1) Text(TE): Destroy target artifact.
Card Rulings dated March 23, 2000
Reality, Crumble, Creeping Mold, Splinter, and Verdigris are the only mono-green cards that will remove a single artifact. Verdigris is probably the best, as it works at instant speed, it is reasonably inexpensive, and it has no drawbacks (Crumble gives life to the controller of the destroyed artifact). There really isn't much more to say, as this is a very simple card.