Mathematicians hate to let a good word go to waste, and so separability is also an axiom in topology.

Definition A topological space X is said to be separable if X has a countable dense subset. In other words, there is a countable subset D of X such that closure(D) = X. Equivalently, each nonempty open set in X intersects D.

Recall that a space is second countable if there is a countable basis for the space.

Theorem Let X be a topological space. If X is second countable then X is separable. If X is separable and metrizable, then X is second countable (and hence Lindelof).

A countable product of separable spaces is separable, but a subspace of a separable space is not necessarily separable; a counterexample can be found in the Sorgenfrey plane. However, a metrizable separable space is second countable, and so any subspace is second countable, and therefore separable.

We also have:

Theorem A compact metrizable space is separable.

One use of separability is this: suppose X,Y are topological spaces, f:X->Y is continuous and D is dense in X. Then f is uniquely determined by it's behaviour on D. If D is countable, then this lets us restrict our attention to a countable subset of X, which is generally much easier to handle than the whole space, and allows use of induction.

Some examples of separable spaces in topology and analysis:

Spaces that aren't separable include: