There are public songs
and there are private;
when a bird is at your window,
the noises you hear are new --
at first, maybe, you aren't even sure
it's a bird, those wheezes and pops,
but when you draw the curtain
you watch it fly away.

O, blood, blood, blood! An awful midterm crunch right now, neglected projects crowding the nest. Trying to cobble together an essay a little about the Quakers and a little about the Reform Jews, but there are too many interesting distractions in these old books of religion:

In the legal code of Aardenburg in Flanders in the fourteenth century it is stipulated that the husband may beat his wife, injure her, slash her body from head to foot and "warm his feet in her blood." If he succeeds in nursing her back to health afterwards he will not have transgressed against the law.