Today's been excellent. One of my stockings kept sliding down on campus this morning, so I had to safety pin its garter to my slip, a procedure I carried out very awkwardly on a park bench. I forked over thirty dollars in late fees at the library, which is more than I'm willing to spend on groceries these days. I have an essay to write and exams are alarmingly near. But despite all of this, I'm wildly happy. Emma got my letter and the spring bursts up in bonfires green.

Text Messages Exchanged Re: the Reception of a Love Letter

6 April 2008 9:23:27 PM
Did you get my letter, E.?

6 April 2008 9:26:24 PM
Today! It had me gasping on the porch. Can't wait to reply.

6 April 2008 9:34:57
Well, I gasped profusely while I wrote it, so only fair.