Somewhere in the dark and nasty regions, where nobody goes,stands an ancient castle. Deep within this dank and uninviting place lives Burk, overworked servant of the thing upstairs. But that’s nothing compared to the horrors that lurk beneath The Trapdoor. For there is always something down there, in the dark, waiting to come out...
    Don’t you open that Trapdoor.
    You’re a fool if you dare!
    Stay away from that Trapdoor.
    'Cause there's something down there

Some things say with a person for life, the theme tune and lyrics to the trap door are permanently engraved in the minds of millions of British people who spent their growing-up years in front of 1980's television. The Trapdoor was a plastercine animation created in 1986, and stars the lovable, Devonshire accent sporting blue creature known as Burk, and the well-educated talking skull called Bony.

Burk was the man-servant to the thing upstairs, a creature never seen, although immense size and horribleness was implied. Burk also had a raspberry blowing spider 'pet' named Drut.

"'ere Drut what's that you're up t' there? Oh Globbits.."