The typical porn woman is beautiful with huge breasts and a close to, if not, perfect body.
The typical porn man is unattractive, whether he be too hairy, too old, too greasy, too heavy, or just not good looking.

This is the very basis of the male fantasy, a less than average looking man hooking up with a beautiful woman. Women don't want to see nasty looking men. And that's why women prefer lesbian porn. Of course we'd rather see beautiful women than nasty hairy greasy unattractive men.

Even porn magazines are made for men. The pictures don't hold any possible story for us women to get off on, it's just a woman laying there with her boobs flopping about and her legs spread. We want stories, we want good fantasies. And the worst thing is if we wanna see good looking naked men, we have to see naked gay men. And that just doesn't turn us on anymore than it turns on a straight man. I say more porn for women!!