I have an extremely mundane boring job. Although the hours are outstanding and the pay is very good, I feel the job is only satisfactory, because I feel that the challenge of the job itself is not so good and most of the time my experience on the phone is poor. I am not a telemarketer but I am an interviewer. Every word I say is scripted and I even have a standard scale that I am working with. The standard scale happens to be outstanding, very good, satisfactory, not so good, or poor. After reading the same survey five thousand times to people who are always in the middle of dinner, regardless of whether it is nine o'clock in the morning or ten o'clock at night a person tends to get more than a little bored.

So I was talking to this man today and I got a strong feeling that he wasn't paying attention to a word I was saying, he was just waiting for me to finish talking so that he could spit out a random choice of very good or not so good . So just for fun I asked him the same question twice, he gave me a very good the first time and the second time he said not so good. So I asked a third time and he said very good again. So I asked the next question, he gave me an answer and I asked the previous question two more times. It was all I could do not to laugh at him. It's kind of sad when you spend all your time at work thinking about when your next cigarette break is.