Taboo is a Milton Bradley game which turns out to be way more fun than the description I'm about to give makes it out to sound.

It's best played with at least 6 people, divided into 2 teams. On each turn, one player from one team takes the hot seat. Let's say it's your turn. You've got a stack of cards, and the other team has an hourglass timer and an obnoxious buzzer.

Each card has a word at the top, which you must get your teammates to guess, and 5 taboo words below that you're not allowed to say. Your job is to get through as many cards as you can before time runs out. If you say a taboo word, you get buzzed and the other team gets the point.

Let's try an example: Your word is Zebra. You're not allowed to say any of the following words: Black, White, Horse, Animal, Stripe (or any forms of any of those words). You end up saying things like "it's kinda like a pony, but with alternating light and dark bands"

This game will keep you on your toes and on your way to becoming a human thesaurus, and will often just degenerate into profanity. As I once had it put to me: "Replace every noun with 'fucker' and every adjective with 'fucking' and you'll never strike out!"