Filled with the dreaded anticipation of being kicked around by the students with higher repute. The first day of school is an open house. You come, you see other people, and you leave thinking your school is like a democracy. And then you return realizing how wrong you were.

School, especially high school, not so much college (not that I speak from experience on this)is completely off on its first day. You do getting-to-know-you activities, and depending on how human you are, you will try to conceal certain properties of yourself to fit in. The first day is full of "I will be different this year" defense. You are certain that you will do better. You're organized. You have control. But you're not and you don't.

As the world flashes before your eyes, you begin to do homework assignments only minutes before class begins, the social hierarchy turns to a communistic system, you are weak and unable to control what happens to you, as the world pulls at the little strings attached to your back.

You then remember how things were going along in your head exactly one year ago as you were starting school. Oh yeah. Now you remember.