Born (1564)
Peace made between England and France

1 (1565)
Brueghel's 'Hunters in the Snow' picture

2 (1566)
Elizabeth for bids Parliament to discuss her marraige
Royal Exchange founded

3 (1567)
Queen Mary (of Scots)forced to abdicate
Foundation of Rio de Janeiro

4 (1568)
Spanish Inquisition condemns all Dutch to death as heretics
Indian slavery in Brazil abolished

5 (1569)
Rebellion against Elizabeth in favour of Mary Queen of Scots
Invention of Mercator Chart

6 (1570)
Map of mouth of Hudson River
Elizabeth excommunicated and declared a usurper
Ascham's 'The Schoolmaster' on education
Palladio's 'Treatise on Architecture'
Sulphuric acid

7 (1571)
Ridolfi Plot against Elizabeth
Turks take Cyprus from Venice
Titian's 'Christ crowned with thorns'
Theodolite invented - and, maybe, the telescope

8 (1572)
Drake's first sight of the Pacific

9 (1573)
Work begun on cathedral in Mexico City

10 (1574)
Burbage receives licence to open theatre
Astrological clock in Strasbourg Cathedral

11 (1575)
Elizabeth offered sovereignty of Netherlands against Spanish - refused
Gilbert's 'Discourse' advocates development of English colonisation

12 (1576)
M P attacks Elizabeth's interference with House of Commons
First theatre in England - at Shoreditch
Typhus fever identified
Houses of correction for vagabonds established

13 (1577)
Holinshed's 'Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland'
Complaints over enclosure of common land - talk of over - population
Drake starts circumnavigation of earth

14 (1578)
Hillyarde's miniature of Elizabeth
Gilbert given patent of colonisation and sets out for the North West

15 (1579)
Rebellion in Ireland
'Plutarch's Lives' translated
Drake claims New Albion (California)
First national atlas

16 (1580)
Montaigne's 'Essays'
Earliest references to the song 'Greensleeves'
Potatoes introduced to Spain

17 (1581)
Sidney's 'Defence of Poetry'
Drake returns from his round the world voyage
Galileo Galilei discovers isochronous property of the pendulum

18 (1582)
Gilbert founds first English colony, Newfoundland
Hakluyt's 'Divers Voyages touching the Discoverty of America'
Standardisation of weights (unaltered until 1824)
First London waterworks established
Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway

19 (1583)
Throckmorton Plot against Elizabeth
Cambridge University Press starts
Life insurance policy issued
The Shakespeares' daughter, Susanna, baptised

20 (1584)
Pope launches campaign to restore Catholicism to England
Artifcial respiration
Raleigh discovers Virginia

21 (1585)
Davis discovers the Davis Straight searching for the North West Passage
England goes to war against the Spanish in the Netherlands
Paddle boats designed
Decimal point in general use
All printing presses outside London suppressed
The Shakespeares' twins, Hamnet and Judith, baptised

22 (1586)
Babington Plot to kill Elizabeth - Mary Queen of Scots found guilty
Sonata introduced
Stevinus publishes on statics and hydrostatics

23 (1587)
Mary Queen of Scots executed
Marlowe's Tamburlaine

24 (1588)
Defeat of Spanish Armada
Coffer dam used to work on river beds

25 (1589)
First knitting machine

26 (1590)
Marlowe's Jew of Malta
Janssen invents the compound microscope
First English paper mill

27 (1591)
First Englishmen to East Indies

28 (1592)
Juan da Luca discovers British Columbia
First printed mention of Shakespeare, as an 'upstart Crowe'

29 (1593)
Elizabeth - Parliamentary freedom of speech limited to 'Aye or No'

30 (1594)
Version of Henry VI and Titus Andronicus published
Derivative Taming of a Shrew published
Comedy of Errors acted Re-foundation of The Lord Chamberlain's Men - Shakespeare an actor ?

31 (1595)
Rebellion in Ireland until 1603
Version of Richard III published
A Midsummer Night's Dream

32 (1596)
Water closets installed in Richmond Palace
Trigonometric tables published
Tomatoes introduced in England
Romeo and Juliet

33 (1597)
Storms destroy second Armada against England
Bacon's 'Essays'
Beggars to be punished
Libavius's 'Alchymia' on medical chemistry
Henry IV

34 (1598)
French attempt to colonise Nova Scotia
Korea invents iron - clad warships

35 (1599)
Lord Chamberlain's Men at Burbage's Glove Theatre
As You Like It - Much Ado About Nothing - Twelfth Night

36 (1600)
Gilbert publishes on magnetism - introduces the word 'electricity'
Merry Wives of Windsor