The Babylon 5 Project

The Ages of Mankind

In this definition, Mankind is not male gender, the human race, or even the humanoid genotype. Mankind represents all the alien species from the dawn of the Universe through the End of the Universe.

To date, we know of three ages of mankind in Babylon 5: The Series:

    The First Age of Mankind - (10 Billion Years BC - 1 Million Years BC)
    The Second Age of Mankind - (1 Million Years BC - January 2261 {"Into the Fire"})
    The Third Age of Mankind - (2261 {"Into The Fire"} - ???)

    See also

      The Dawn of the Third Age of Mankind (Earth-Minbari War - 2261 {"Into the Fire"})
From the Episode "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars", a Fourth Age of Mankind can be inferred, approximately one million years in the future.