"Stay Tuned" was a mildly amusing movie staring John Ritter and Pam Dawber, about one of the oldest topics in The Book, the evils of too much television.

TV fanatic Roy Knable (Ritter) strains his already tenuous relationship with his wife Helen (Dawber) when he orders a sattelite TV system, on a free trial, from a mysterious salesman named Spike. Unfortunately for our lovely couple, their new sattelite sucks them into "Hellevision", a demonic alternate dimension run by the denizens of the Underworld itself, and filled with hell-bent parodies of television shows. Roy and Helen must work together in order to survive the often brutal nature of the programs for 24 hours, or they can kiss their souls goodbye. It's actually pretty funny at times, especially the scene where the two are turned into cartoon mice and must survive an encounter with a killer robot cat.