A fomer Lieutenant Colonel in the rangers, David Grossman is now one of the most vocal "expert" advocates with the idea that violent computer games cause violence in children. His most notorious belief is that violent games teach children how to kill. Specifically, the game Doom taught a child how to shoot with six times accuracy of the average FBI accuracy.

What is now known is that David Grossman is/was a PAID expert witness in lawsuits against the gaming industry, his research group is taxed as a FOR-PROFIT-AGENCY, and he has a speaking schedule posted at $5000 an appearance.

Essentially, any open minded individual should realise that Grossman's arguments are baseless, illogical and injustified. Unlike as was previously thought, he was not an ignorant redneck ultraconservatist do-gooder, but actually a heartless profiteer who fed off peoples inhibitions about video games. Why heartless? Because he plays on peoples feelings. When these people are families of victims of schoolyard shootings, this is essentially bad taste.