Given that different localities use different date formats, and given that in ##/##/##, we use little heuristics to figure out which end's up, going to a one digit year number might, at first-blush, seem to be confusing, but (a) it's fairly safe, and (b), for roughtly two-thirds the time, MM/DD and DD/MM are indistinguishable anyway. Besides, we don't have day zero or month zero anyway.

I don't know if it's an imaginary problem or a real problem, but I remember losing some bandwidth to it a few years back.

The problem is that different places outside the United States use different formats. Most Americans use the MM/DD/YY format, I use the MM/DD/YYYY format to help fix problems such as Y2K from happening in the future. Some places will use the nn/nn/nn format in some wait switching nn for either MM, DD, or YY. Recently though I have seen things with the DD/MM/YYYY and other variances... This is a good thing. I think we should just make a new backwards compatiable calendar, but the problem is it would have to many variables and would never be used, because some people like to stay ignorant and some just don't like change.

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