Doriskos Klionarios of The God in Flight meditates to himself that there are few pleasures in life that do not contain an element of pain, and lists, among others, nakedness. This, however, seems inaccurate--in that to be naked is only pleasurable if one is beautiful. Why? Is not being clothed an artificial state of being? It is. How then do we explain the lack of pleasure I--and others like me, overweight, with bad complexion, with unimpressive genitalia--may take in being nekkid?

American culture is a culture deprived of touch. The legacy of the Victorian period remains in our embarassment about our bodies--and that vestige of moral prudence combines with the influence of supermodels to leave those of us--like myself--who are ordinary feeling somehow inferior. The only remedy for this seems to be honest affection, in which our love for one another supercedes our desire for perfection in our bodies--a state lovingly (and unexpectedly, given the context of the books) detailed between friends in David Gerrold's The War Against the Chtorr series--between Tom and the protagonist.

When one is truly comfortable with the one he loves, one may be naked without eroticism resulting. This is not to say that sex is bad; on the contrary. However, the intimacy of simply being naked with the one you love--without embarrassment and without a feeling of necessary lovemaking--is when one may begin to find the pleasure of nakedness.

Na"ked*ness, n.


The condition of being naked.

2. Script.

The privy parts; the genitals


Ham ... saw the nakedness of his father. Gen. ix. 22.


© Webster 1913.

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