Look at this old guitar you been squeakin' on. I bet you saw this in a pawn shop and bought it 'cause you thought it was beat up. Well, you got it all wrong. Muddy Waters invented electricity.

You want me to come in here and say 'Boy, you as good as Robert Johnson' but you ain't. Now if you spent as much time with your hands on them strings as you do on this girl's ass, you MIGHT get somewhere.

….Blind Dog Fulton, to Lightning Boy Martone, from the movie Crossroads

Sometimes I think the only person I would really listen to is myself, ten years from now. I know I could have benefited from that option when I was 15, who wouldn't have? You look at other people who are older and you try to take something from what years of experience they have ahead of you, but you are fraught with all the things you know you would have done differently from them. I find shades of the things I am dealing with in a few people, and I know it is futile to want a complete carbon copy of myself in the future.

Then I read this:

The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.


And I realize that she's likely there all along, right next to the one I am meant to be with. Waiting, even if it's killing me to know that I can't really find them yet.

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