If you look at the history of computing, you see that everything started out simple. The Abacus, one of the first real computers, was very simple. A few beads moving around on wire or wooden poles, to compute simple numbers into more complex numbers.

Looking at the refridgerator, it has a Basic Input/Output System, storage devices split into partitions, an operator, as well as preference settings.

Let's look at the details:

The Basic Input/Output System is based on the fact that when you put items into your fridge, you can then retrieve them at a later time. Respectfully, a computer will only allow you to get out of it what you put into it. Many people believe that BIOS's only act as the crossing guard between what the user inputs using a keyboard and mouse, but it actually is the set of rules regarding how data is passed between end user and CPU.
The storage devices, those plastic or glass shelves behind the doors, including the cripser and meats drawers, keep whatever is placed into them by the operator, using the Basic Input/Output System. When you clean out your refridgerator, you are effectively formatting this storage device to accept new data. If you look at how a hard disk is partitioned, you can easily see how the freezer section acts as another partition, in the same storage device. Data, er..i mean, food, is kept there, and is usually a different assortment of items than in the main partition. The preferences are different for this area, as is the size of the partition.
The operator, or possibly the system administrator (usually mom), can add or take items from the storage devices at will, assuming that they will not leave behind empty containers that once contained substance. The preferences are usually set by the system admin, but also can be set by the end user, to determine how they want their data (food) kept.

Later to come - the toaster oven, the coffee maker, and the kitchen sink.

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