It truly is a lonely world for the average girl geek. Average in ability, average in looks, she doesn't stand out among her peers unless she's wearing a dress. If she were beautiful, geek guys would flock to work with her, or perhaps simply drool from a corner because, let's face it, the male of the geek species isn't known for its social graces and ability to talk to women who look like *that*. If she were brilliant she would gain attention for her mind and her intelligence would constantly be remarked upon not simply because of its existence, but because of its existence in so rare a bird as the female geek.

She has some girlfriends, but not many. Most women don't share her interests and somehow she just relates better to geek guys. Those non-geek friends she does have she clings to dearly for brief moments of escape from the career which defines her.

Over the first few weeks of computer science classes in university or at a new job, the average geek girl learns how to fit in and be accepted as a geek, and the male geeks around her slowly become her friends. They go out to bars together, watch "Army of Darkness" together, make Monty Python references and before she realizes it, she's one of the guys. No more seeking out the 4 or 5 other females in a classroom of 60 computer science majors in the hopes of finding a possible friend for now she is surrounded by them.

She sits in the computer lab at noon on a beautiful Saturday in spring, surrounded by her geek guy friends. She realizes the lab has gone silent and everyones attention has left their monitors and turned to watch the girlfriend of one lucky geek walk into the computer lab. All eyes follow the path of this work of art in a yellow sundress as she weaves her way through the lab and the geek girl sits in hurt silence as her friend beside her comments, "Wow, a pretty girl in the computer lab. There's something you don't see everyday."

If she had any self-esteem left at this point, she might clear her throat and comment just loud enough for others to hear that she's "still waiting for the day a good-looking guy walks through those doors" but this would again set her apart and make those around her uncomfortable, so she refrains, swallows her pride and self-pity and smiles like nothing's wrong.

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