The current trend of putting the prefix bio before other buzzwords to define one of the plethora of new fields in biology. One of the oldest examples is biochemistry, which has become a well established discipline with its own subdivisions and schools of thought ... etc. After that came biophysics, to help classify those physicists who found building bombs a bit to morally distasteful and turned to studying the electromechanics of nerve impulses and muscle movements. Nowadays, we have biotechnology, bioethics, bioinformatics, bioengineering, biosensors, biodiversity, bioarchitecture ... bioeverything!

If it is true that we are now in the genomic era, and advancements in biology are going to be more important than advancements in engineering and computers, we can expect to see a lot more buzzwords appear ...

File Under: Words that may some day deserve their own nodes

other ideas? ...

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