Part of World of Warcraft Slang

Categories in this reference:

  1. World of Warcraft Slang
  2. Trade
  3. Places and Travel
  4. Grouping
  5. Battle
  6. Interfaction
  7. Equipment
  8. Characters
  9. Other Terms
  10. Exercises

  • add

    A monster that joins a battle after it has started. Multiple adds drag a battle out and make it much more difficult, as it gives players no chance to rest and prepare between fights. Often, adds come from patrols.

  • aggro: aggravation

    Called “threat” by Blizzard. Every monster has what players call an “aggro radius,” an area within which monsters will attack players. The higher the level of the player compared to the monster, the smaller the radius. In addition, players can “draw aggro” with a monster by dealing more damage than other players or healing players particularly well. Drawing aggro will result in the monster attacking the player. Tanks are expected to draw aggro very well.

  • DKP: Dragon Kill Point

    A system for managing loot distribution in raids. Players participating in the raid are granted points, which can be spent to bid on items they want.

  • LFG: Looking for Group

    Shorthand used when trying to organize a group in the Group channel, or other substitute channels. Usually follows or is followed by information about the character (class, level) and where the player wants to go with a group. Also used to refer to the group channel itself.

  • LFM: Looking for More

    Shorthand used when trying to organize a group in the Group channel, or other substitute channels. This (as compared to LFG) indicates that the player has already started to put together a group. Usually follows or is followed by information about the composition of the group and where it will be going. Sometimes players insert a number, as in LF2M: “looking for 2 more.”

  • lock: Warlock

    This shorthand is frequently used by players trying to organize a group. When typing quickly, ever letter counts.

  • MT: Mistell

    A mistell is when a player accidentally sends a message to the wrong player or chat channel. Simply saying “MT” is used to explain a statement that a player made in chat, usually nonsensical or offensive.

  • ninja

    A player who steals items or resources that they do not deserve. For example, if another player is trying to kill a group of monsters to get to a chest, another player who walks up and empties the chest, safe from the distracted monsters, would be a ninja. Also refers to players who take items that they don’t need in a group situation. “Ninjaing” is considered a serious offense, and can get a player kicked out of their guild.

  • OMW: On My Way

    Used to tell a group that a player is ready to meet up with them and is heading towards them. Often, there is a period of time when a group first forms in which players are scattered all over the game world and must finish what they are doing and meet up.

  • OOM: Out Of Mana

    A caster running out of mana during battle can be a bad situation. It may be some time before they are able to regenerate mana, and until then, they are effectively useless. “OOM” is used to warn other players that the group is inthis situation.

  • pat: patrol

    A patrol is a monster or group of monsters wandering back and forth along a set path. Because the majority of monsters do not wander much (if at all), a patrol can catch a player or group unawares. A difficult fight in a dungeon can turn impossible if it is joined by another group of monsters.

  • port: portal

    A mage ability that allows portals to be opened to major cities. Frequently used to transport a group out of a dungeon once it has been completed. Because the portal spell requires a special reagent, it is not uncommon for mages to offer portals as a paid service to other players.

  • PST: Please Send Tell
  • A request for players to respond by private message. Because private messages are referred to as “whispers,” many players (incorrectly) believe that PST is intended to simulate the sound of a whisper — psst!

  • PUG: Pickup Group

    A pickup group is usually one put together from players who respond to a request in the group channel or asked at random, as compared to a group organized within a guild. Because players won’t know others in a pickup group, there is a greater risk of ninjas, racists, and 14 year olds.

  • pull

    Pulling a monster involves attracting its attention and drawing it away from its normal location. This may be done so that a player or group can eliminate one enemy at a time, so that enemies can be drawn out of the threat radius of an incoming patrol, so that a particularly strong monster can be singled out, or many other reasons.

  • rez (res): resurrect

    Players who are killed can come back to life in several ways, including finding their corpse, speaking to a Spirit Healer, or being resurrected by another player. Only priests, druids, shamans, paladins, and engineers (using Goblin Jumper Cables) can resurrect other players.

  • sap

    A rogue ability that stuns a humanoid enemy for an extended period of time (30 seconds or more, depending on the rogue’s skill). Because this can only be used on enemies who aren’t in battle, and it will attract the attention of nearby monsters, sapping is used as an opening in many group fights with multiple monsters.

  • sheep

    A mage ability (technically called “polymorph”) that turns an enemy into a sheep, preventing them from using any abilities, but greatly increasing their health regeneration. Used to remove foes from battle and control the difficulty of fights.

  • squishy

    A priest, mage, or warlock. These classes can only wear cloth armor, which provides minimal protection from physical damage. In a group, it is the job of the tank to protect the cloth-wearers.

  • summon

    A warlock ability that brings a player to the warlock from anywhere in the world. The spell requires the aid of two other players, both of whom (and the player being summoned) must be in a group together. The summonee is given the option of accepting or rejecting the summons. The spell is frequently used to bring a group together more quickly.

  • tank

    A tank is a character or pet who can take a lot of damage. Tanks are most frequently warriors, paladins, or Voidwalkers. In a group, it is the tank’s job to keep monsters’ attention focused on herself, to quickly distract monsters attacking weaker party members (especially healers) and, if need be, to sacrifice herself to save the healer’s life.

  • wipe

    A group wipes when everybody in the party dies. Wiping in a dungeon can be especially bad, as monsters start reappearing after a set time. If the group enters the dungeon again to find that the monsters at the beginning are back, they will effectively have to start over.

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