One of Samuel R. Delany's earliest novels, the Einstein Intersection is, at it's core, a retelling of the myth of Orpheus. Set in a far off future where humanity has ended and a new race populates the Earth, a young man named Lobey sets off to find his lost love, Friza. Lobey has large, extremely dexterous hands and feet and a talent for music, which he plays using holes in the handles of his machete like a flute. Like everyone else in his very slightly post-Neolithic society, he is a mutant. But, unlike many, he is “functional,” an active member of society. The question of what is normal and what is functional is discussed throughout and becomes a focal point towards the end of the book.

Delany opens each chapter with a quote or two, ranging from ErasmusThe Praise of Folly to the Pepsi slogan. He also occasionally inserts notes from his journal about the novel. The notes lend a great deal to the story and its development.

Lobey is an excellent example of a Delany hero, who is ignorant of everything yet brilliant. It's not one of Delany's best, and gets rather droning by the end, but the Einstein Intersection is still an enjoyable read.

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