A nasty 1940s and 1950s racist stereotype of African-American or Carribean males as clumsy but obedient willing servants to Caucasians. A Stepin Fetchit stereotype can also be recognized by its mangling of words and constant fearfulness. A good modern example of a Stepin Fetchit racist stereotype occluded in transparent metaphor would be Jar Jar Binks of SW:The Phantom Menace.

Shorthand for "demeaning cinematic image of blacks"; it comes from the stage name of actor Stepin Fetchit. He worked in films of the 30s and 40s as a stereotype-on-two-legs: craven, lazy, subservient, shufflin'. He wasn't alone, but he gained the most fame. In later decades, he got a chance to play decent roles. Ever since the TV adaptation of Amos and Andy got cancelled amid protests (valid or not), black stereotypes have become more politically correct, but stereotypes remain.

Stage name of Lincoln Theodore Monroe Perry (b. 5/30/02;d. 11/19/85).

African American actor known for portraying sterotypical minstrel characters on stage and in film.

Perry joined a vaudeville act at age 12 and appeared in a minstrel act called "Step 'n' Fetchit: Two Dancing Fools from Dixie."

He went solo in the mid-1920s appearing on stage and in over 40 films between 1927 and 1976.

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