                                     /  \ <|--------------------------(1)
                                    /    \
                 | :      ||:      ~      ~               : |
     (2)-------> | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :      ||:                             : |
                 | :______||:_____________________________: |
                  \       ~\       | :          |:|         /
                   \       |\      | :          |:|        /
                    \      | \     | :__________|:|       /
                     \     |:_\    | :__________\:|      /
                      \    |___\   |______________|     /
                       \  |     \ |~               \   /
                        /                             \
                       /                               \
                      /                                 \
                     /          _______________          \
                    /       ___/               \___       \
                   /____ __/                       \__ ____\
     (3)_______________________________               \ ___|
                   / __/               \               \__ \
                  / /                  \/                 \ \
                 / /              ___________              \ \
                / /            __/___________\__            \ \
              ./ /__  ___     /=================\     ___  __\ \.
     (4)-------> ___||___|====|(((((|||||||)))))|====|___||___ <|-----(4)
            /  /              |=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=| <|------------------(5)
           .' /                \_______ _______/                \ `.
           :  |___                    |*|                    ___|  :
          .'  |   \_________________  |*|  _________________/   |  `.
          :   |   ___________   ___ \ |*| / ___   ___________   |   :
          :   |__/           \ /   \_\\*//_/   \ /           \__|   :
          :   |______________:|:____:: **::****:|:********\ <|--------(6)
         .'  /:|||||||||||||'`|;..:::::::::::..;|'`|||||||*|||||:\  `.
     (7)----------> ||||||' .:::;~|~~~___~~~|~;:::. `|||||*|| <|------(7)
         :   |:|||||||||' .::'\ ..:::::::::::.. /`::. `|||*|||||:|   :
         :   |:|||||||' .::' .:::''~~     ~~``:::. `::. `|\***\|:|   :
         :   |:|||||' .::\ .::''\ |   (9)   | /``::: /::. `|||*|:|   :
     (8)------------>::' .::'    \|_________|/    `::: `::. `|* <|----(6)
         `.  \:||' .::' ::'\ (9) .     .     . (9) /::: `::.  *|:/  .'
          :   \:' :::'.::'  \  .               .  /  `::.`::: *:/   :
          :    | .::'.::'____\    (10) . (10)    /____`::.`::.*|    :
          :    | :::~:::     |       . . .       |     :::~:::*|    :
          :    | ::: ::  (9) | .   . ..:.. .   . | (9)  :: :::*|    :
          :    \ ::: ::      |       . :\_____________________________(11)
          `.    \`:: ::: ____|     .   .   .     |____ ::: ::'/    .'
           :     \:;~`::.    / .  (10)   (10)  . \    .::'~::/     :
           `.     \:. `::.  /    .     .     .    \  .::' .:/     .'
            :      \:. `:::/ (9)   _________   (9) \:::' .:/      :
            `.      \::. `:::.   /|         |\   .:::' .::/      .'
             :       ~~\:/ `:::./ |   (9)   | \.:::' \:/~~       :
             `:=========\::. `::::...     ...::::' .::/=========:'
              `:         ~\::./ ```:::::::::''' \.::/~         :'
               `.          ~~~~~~\|   ~~~   |/~~~~~~          .'

                              - Diagram Outline -
                        (1) - Tail Cone
                        (2) - Stabilizing Tail Fins
                        (3) - Air Pressure Detonator
                        (4) - Air Inlet Tube(s)
                        (5) - Altimeter/Pressure Sensors
                        (6) - Electronic Conduits & Fusing Circuits
                        (7) - Lead Shield Container
                        (8) - Neutron Deflector (U-238)
                        (9) - Conventional Explosive Charge(s)
                       (10) - Plutonium (Pu-239)
                       (11) - Receptacle for Beryllium/Polonium mixture
                              to facilitate atomic detonation reaction.
                       (12) - Fuses (inserted to arm bomb)

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