some ideas on how to maximize report length.

Selecting the Correct Font
Font choice plays a big role in the length of the report. From my experience, Courier New is your best choice. Courier New is a wide, fixed width font, which lengthens your writing significantly while still maintaining the professional aspect of the report. Comic Sans MS is also about as large as Courier New, but it looks goofy and some teachers may not even accept it. You may want to experiment with font size, although this is definetly an overused method of increasing report length.

MS Word has a default margin size of 1.25". Experiment with this in order to gain a few extra lines. You probably don't want to go much over 1.5" or it will be fairly obvious that you are attempting to increase length.

If the teacher requests double spacing, try going for 2.5 spacing. Most teachers won't notice the difference, but you'll definetly gain a few lines.

Make a big first page header, but try to make it look professional. Do not double space between paragraphs.

Writing Style
Avoid using pronouns wherever possible, but not to the extent of idiotic writing. Also, avoid using abbreviations if possible. Attempt to write verbosely.

Page Numbers If you use automatic page numbering in your word processor, you can have a larger bottom margin and have a more professionally formatted report.

Maintaining Legitimacy
The most important thing to remember when applying these techniques is that any attempt to make your report longer should look legitimate.
And don't forget:
Content Padding
Adding more content to the paper to make sure you reach a specific goal, like a word count or page count. Most frequently done after believing you had finished the paper, but then found out it wasn't long enough.

It is important to remember to try and pad your report either before, or while, writing a report.

Changing spacing, margins, and using other format techniques can make a paper look weird if it is not adjusted to fit the new settings. This can be a pain, if, like me, you get things to look good as you type, but have to mess it all up by reformatting at the end.

If you add more content to your paper, make sure it is relevant and supports your thesis. I've messed up at least two papers by adding content after I thought I was finished. In one, the extra content practically introduced a new and unsupported thesis, in the other, I introduced supports for my thesis that just seemed to detract from the argument.

Many teachers prefer a good essay to one that fits their length requirement.

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