1. Unscrew (or saw open) a 8 bit Nintendo cartridge game.
  2. Remove the ROM board from the now ruined cart.
  3. Open the cover to your computer's main brain. (In my case it was an Apple IIgs.)
  4. Remove the computer's RAM dimm.
  5. Forcfully insert Nintedo ROM into empty RAM slot.
  6. Attempt to boot computer in expectation of playing a Nintendo game on your it.
  7. Become thoroughly disappointed when the game doesn't work.
  8. Become thoroughly dejected when you are grounded for a month for destroying two expensive pieces of hardware that weren't yours to begin with.
  9. Repeat to taste.

Of course, the Nintendo cartidge was ruined before the Apple IIgs, giving the lie to any claims of simultaneity. In fact, it would appear to be impossible to ruin two pieces of (computer) hardware simultaneously. Not for the usual reasons of special relativity (after all, we may assume the 2 pieces are in the same position and reference frame), but rather for reasons having to do with electronics. Once the first starts giving out smoke, usually no current will flow through the other. However, JoeBaldwin kindly point out that with your computer hooked up to the phone line via a modem, a single bolt of lightning can ruin both the modem and the computer! But... Is a modem card a separate piece of equipment? Are computers hooked up to separate modem boxes also vulnerable to this? Just in case, he suggests employing an EMP.

Another counterexample might come from HiFi, where it's probably possible to ruin your amplifier simultaneously with something else (ruined amplifiers are supposed to be able to supply voltage to other gear...).

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