Heywood Broun
a giant man with biblical eyes
black and white
(and read all over)
newsman’s banquet, all is quiet.

play review,
early evening New York, 1926
couldn’t sleep
went out and worried.

ermine and sable
theaters in the square
delicious or quaint, you decide
the line leads into carpeted
public opinion, temperate
brothers in indecision, lovers
in I Can Give You A Sentence

Harvard University;
“Hangman’s House”
official denial replied
-but thanks so much
a quart of whiskey
the Scottsboro boys
reasonable taxation
wind-up toys
cold-blooded system
you might not mind
black and white photos
paid in kind...

Hell is paved with great granite blocks hewn from the hearts of those who said,
"I can do no other."

-dem bones-

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