From: The Thorough Good Cook

Poultry: 10. Fowl a la Villeroi

Take a fine fowl, which may be known to connoisseurs by a skin of bluish hue marbled with grey. Having been emptied and singed, let it be trussed, the legs turned down outwards; inside the body introduce a small quantity of butter kneaded with salt and lemon juice. Put the fowl into an oval stew-pan, with a layer of fat bacon; next pour some poele over it. Things which are poele, requiring to preserve their whiteness, are not to be kept on the fire so long as others. It requires only three-quarters of an hour for a fowl to be done in this style. A capon, however, would require fully an hour.

Observation, to be particularly attended to by the cook.-
As a poele has no translation; I realize the name. It is indispensable in fine cookery, and is made as follows :
Take one pound of beef suet, one pound of quite fresh batter, and one pound of very fat bacon; cut, the suet and the bacon into very large dice; put them into a stew-pan with two pounds of veal cut in the same manner; fry till the veal becomes very white: and then moisten with about three pints of boiling water, a handful of salt, one bay-leaf, a few sprigs of thyme, one onion stuck with three cloves, and a great bunch of parsley and green onions; let the whole boil gently till the onion is done, then drain it through a hair sieve, and use for anything that may want poele. The use of poele as to make everything boiled in it very white and tasty. In the winter it keeps for a week, and is very useful in the larder.

Obs.-This is almost the same operation as braising; the only difference is that what is poele must be underdone, and a braise must be done through.

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