A dance song sung by Jordy on his seminal 1992 album, Pochette Surprise. This song made him the youngest person to make the Billboard Hot 100, at 4 1/2 years of age, an amazing feat for such a petit artiste.

At the peak of his career, he was more popular in the United States than in his native France. In fact, his art was banned from radio and television in France in 1994 because authorities believed his parents were exploiting him. To freely exercise his artistic expression free from France's oppression, he fled to Florida, but it was too late. His career had already suffered a tremendous blow. Depressed and dejected, he returned to France a year later. He has not recovered from this experience and no longer revels in his craft.

However, his genius lives on in contemporary artists such as Lil Bow Wow. Ironically, Jordy has trouble recollecting his feats, saying, "I don't really remember my performances as being work, I really didn't know what I was doing, I was just having fun."

The song itself is a classic that has withstood the test of time. The title, translating into "It's Tough Being a Baby," is an epic tale of an overbearing mother. She forbids her child to pick his nose and forces him to brush his teeth. While at times whiney, the infectious and playful nature of the song reminds the listener of his or her salad days. The song fades out, much like youth, and Jordy's career.

Dur Dur d'Être un Bébé

C'est dur dur d'être bébé
Oh la la bebe', c'est dur dur d'être bébé
Oh la la bebe', c'est dur dur d'être bébé
Dur dur d'être bebe
Je m'appelle Jordy, j'ai 4 ans et je suis petit

Dur dur d'être bebe', dur dur d'être bébé
Viens ici, touches pas ca restes assis, vas pas la,
Fais comme ci, fais comme ça, patati et papata.

Pourquoi ci, pourquoi ça, pourquoi c'est comme ci,
Pourquoi ci, pourquoi ça, pourquoi c'est comme ça,
Oh la la bebe', c'est dur dur d'être' bébé
Oh la la bebe', c'est dur dur d'être' bébé
Dur dur d'etre bébé
Et maman, qu'est-ce tu dis, fais dodo, lave tes dents,
Enleves tes doigts du nez, fais pas ci fais pas ça,

Patati et Patata
Pourquoi ci, pourquoi ça, pourquoi c'est comme ci,
Pourquoi ci, pourquoi ça, pourquoi c'est comme ça,

Restes assis, pas d'accord!
Touches pas ca, pas d'accord!
Vas pas la', pas d'accord!
T'auras pas de dessert.
Et mamie, et papi, et maman,
C'est dur dur d'être bébé
Oh la la bébé, c'est dur dur d'être bébé
Oh la la bébé, c'est dur dur d'être bébé
Dur dur d'être bébé


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