Quite often ( darwin plackards, bumper stickers, life in our anti-christian America), Darwin seems to be considered some kind of religious figure. I don't think Darwin should be looked at that way, nor the Origin of Species be compared to the Bible or other religious writings. Darwin was not, nor ever claimed to be, a theologist. Nor was the Origin of Species supposed to be a religious book. Darwin was just a scientist, trying to figure out how the world works. What he said goes against a literal, radical interpretation of the bible, but the theory of evolution doesn't go against all religions or philosophies either - many more 'earthy' religions like some of the Native Americans, make perfect sense with evolution as part of the world. I don't even think it goes against any reasonable interpretation of Christianity. (who says 7 days for God is 7 days for humans?)

I believe that some Christians are anti-evolution for the simple reason that it forces them to aknowledge that we are NOT seperate or better than other forms of life on the planet, and the rest of the planet is not here simply for us to use. For some reason, people seem to be scared of lumping humans with animals (or plants) Other than that, I don't see any issue. I've spent a lot of time out in nature, and what i've seen makes me strongly believe in evolution, but has in no way weakened my spirituality - in fact it's strengthened it.

Darwin was trained as a clergyman. He said of his time in college "I did not then in the least doubt the strict and literal truth of every word of the Bible".

Latter on in life he gave up (it seems) on Christianity, although he did not spend too much time arguing against it (per se). This was most likely because his wife and many friends remained Christian, and he did not wish to upset them.

He wrote towards the end of his life that he had never been an atheist, but only an agnostic. This may or may not have been true. He may not have claimed to be a theologian, but he was as much as one as a man can be. Darwin most certainly saw Darwinism (such as it was at the time) as a threat to Christianity.

Darwinism is not a religion, nor did Darwin believe it to be one. But Darwin was very much concerned with religious matters and natural selections effects on them.

I would suggest that anyone interested in Darwin or the theological problems that go along with it read Created From Animals, by James Rachels.

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