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DOMException makes use of the implementation's exception handling model. (Where this is not suitable, the implementation should provide an alternative means of indicating the exception.) In ECMAScript, the try/catch construct can be used.

A DOMException will be raised where an operation is impossible to perform. The list below can be extended by the implementation for implementation-specific exceptions.

ECMAScript binding: code (Number)

ExceptionCode identifies the exception condition. DOM Level 2 defines the following ExceptionCode constants (bound as attributes of DOMException in ECMAScript):

  • DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR. . . . . - trying to make a DOMString that's too long.
  • HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR . . . - trying to insert a node in the wrong place.
  • INDEX_SIZE_ERR. . . . . . . - trying to index outside an array (or list of nodes, etc).
  • INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR . . . . - trying to add an attribute that is in use.
  • INVALID_ACCESS_ERR. . . . . - trying to access an attribute or method that the (underlying) object doesn't provide.
  • INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR . . . - trying to use a character that is illegal in this context.
  • INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR. . - trying to modify the type of the underlying object.
  • INVALID_STATE_ERR . . . . . - trying to use an object that is not/no longer usable.
  • NAMESPACE_ERR . . . . . . . - trying to do something that violates namespace rules.
  • NOT_FOUND_ERR . . . . . . . - trying to access a node that doesn't exist (in this context).
  • NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR . . . . . - trying to access a feature that this DOMImplementation does not support.
  • NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR . . . . - trying to specify data for a node that doesn't allow it.
  • NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR - trying to modify an object that doesn't allow it.
  • SYNTAX_ERR. . . . . . . . . - trying to use an illegal (in this context) string.
  • WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR. . . . . - trying to use a node that isn't supported by this document.

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