Easy to prepare, very yummy and extremely impressive to serve your guests

I stumbled over this recipe a couple of weeks ago when I needed to find something new to do with my new favourite meat: organic pork. I baked it, I fried it, I cooked it, but I haven't done anything Asian with it: enter this fascinating little ditty:

I unfortunately didn't manage to pass by my organic butcher for a couple of weeks, but then yesterday I managed to get some very nice pork loins and thought: bingo! So, for 3 noders this is an exquisite meal that will take about 10 minutes to prepare and 2 hours to cook. Here goes:

Start by slicing the pork in small cubes while heating a large pot of water. Pop the noodles into the water and boil for 3 minutes. Drain the water and put the noodles aside. Heat the peanut oil and start browning the pork cubes in a large casserole (that should be able to withstand oven heat). When the pork cubes are nice and brown, take out of the casserole and put aside. Drain the fat and pour the caster sugar together with 50 mls of water into the casserole on low heat and stir continuously for two minutes, making sure you scratch all the fond off the bottom. Increase heat and leave on the stove for another two minutes and let the sugar caramelise (without stirring) and make sure it doesn't get burned.

Take the casserole off the stove and add the pork, chickenstock, garlic, ginger, white pepper, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 375 mls of water and stir to combine.Now cover the casserole with aluminium foil and put into a preheated oven (180 deg celsius) and bake it for 45 minutes. Remove the foil, stir and put back into the oven for another 45 minutes. Now take the casserole out, add the noodles, bamboo sprout, spring onion, lime juice and 2 more tablespoons of fish sauce and stir. Now pop back into the oven for another 10 minutes and heat thoroughly.

Serve immediately in large bowls.


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