Bronx Science is one of the three magnet math/science schools in the New York City School district. The other two are Stuyvesant High School and Brooklyn Tech. Considered one of the best science High Schools in the country it counts seven Nobel prize winners alumni, more than any other high school.

Located on 205th St and Paul avenue in the Bronx it is situated in a predominantly African-American neighborhood, which can cause some friction considering that the student population is something like 48% white, 48% asian, and the rest a mix of minorities.

As a student in my fourth-year of Bronx Science, I'll tell you, Bronx Science is situated in the middle of nowhere! If Bedford Park were to be classified by race, it would be a Hispanic community, as is most of the Bronx. But the nearest store is 2 blocks away, and forget about fastfood, you need a car, just like college. The racial breakdown of Bronx Science is more like 44% Asian, 34% white, 10% Hispanic, 8% black, according to last year's statisics sheet. And there are a whole lot of mixed people to mix up the numbers a little bit. Overall, a cool school, with a cool mix of people. But segregated, not so much as by race as by neighborhood (Upper West Siders and FlushingHeads).

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