The Angel Face cocktail pre-dates prohibition in the United States, but stories about its origin are fuzzy and conflicting at best. This version is fairly similar to one that was documented by Harry Craddock in his landmark Savoy Cocktail Book. Despite the cutesy name, this is a fairly potent cocktail, something that should be sipped at leisure. It's a fairly simple cocktail to make, although it does have ingredients that someone with a small home bar may not have readily on hand. There's a variation that uses dry vermouth instead of apricot brandy, but I find that it's vastly inferior in flavor and complexity.

1 part (3/4 ounce) gin (Plymouth works well here)
1 part (3/4 ounce) Calvados
1 part (3/5 ounce) apricot brandy

Stir ingredients over ice until well chilled. Strain into cocktail glass.

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