After Alexander the Great achieved the surrender of Sidon in 332 B.C., he removed the pro-Persian king, Straton II. Since Sidon had been a monarchy, story has it that Alexander directed his beloved friend, Hephaestion, to choose the next monarch. Though the two were very close, business was business; Hephaestion wanted to prove that Alexander had chosen someone worthy of the position he was hired for.

And needless to say, there were many who went out of their way to flatter and surround poor Heph with their boot-licking in order to get what they wanted. But he held to his integrity and decided to ignore everything but his common sense - he asked, "Since this is a monarchy, be there an heir?"

The closest match he could get was a poor peasant... Yes, a mere gardener, named Abdalonymus! Rumor has it that he had wonderful references and was chosen because he was the son of Tennes, a man who was a soldier in a fight against the Persians. The fact that he was the only candidate not able to even produce a bribe was an interesting factor... Adbalonymus was later found busy at work with the plants when the royal robes were sent to him.

There is not much known about his actual ruling, except perhaps that he was an honest and good man. So good, in fact, that after the death of the man who had blessed him with such good fortune, he dedicated a sarcophagus to both Hephaestion and Alexander. The beautiful marble artwork features a battle scene in which the very heroic and daring warriors are beating away at Persian enemies.

He was recorded to have passed away in 312 B.C.

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