This is a recipe from PiHKAL. If you're interested in how the hardlinks were chosen, read noding PiHKAL for Everything2.

#19 2-BR-4,5-MDA


SYNTHESIS: A solution of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) in acetic acid was treated with elemental bromine, generating the hydrobromide salt of 2-bromo-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine in a yield of 61% of theory. The mp was 221-222 °C. Anal. (C10H13Br2NO2) C,H,Br.

DOSAGE: 350 mg.

DURATION: unknown.

EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Both the synthetic and the pharmacological details for this compound are sparse. There has been only a single report of the human activity of this drug in the literature, and the statement has been offered that the effects are amphetamine-like. No other qualitative comments have been made available, and neither I nor anyone in my circle has tried it, personally. Someday, perhaps. But at that high level, perhaps not.

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