Happy New Year! Hopefully a safe, happy and healthy one for all 🖖.
Like so many people, I've come through a year charged with alternating hope and sadness. I start the new year with a repaired literal heart, and recovering from my open-heart surgery, which was both painful yet rewarding. I still cannot turn to put on my seatbelt without hurting something, but I am at least alive, and able to get about and do the things necessary to live. I see this as a hopeful metaphor for us coping with a new and worrying political regime in the US, and concerning changes in the whole world. It's not what we wanted, we who care about humanity, but we still have our lives and where there is life there is still hope.
None of us can change the world, we are limited in our reach. But what we can do, we do, those who care about our fellow-travellers. We reach out to those in our families and communities, offer our love and support, and we do not turn away those who need succour. I encourage everyone