Ö is also the Swedish word for "island":

en ö	an island 
ön	the island
öar	islands
öarna	the islands
"Ö" is the title of a Herbert Grönemeyer album from 1988 . It was quite a hit in Germany and contains the following tracks ( I included translation to english)

  1. Was soll das? - what`s all this
  2. Vollmond - Fullmoon
  3. Komet - Comet
  4. Mit Gott - My god
  5. Halt mich - Hold me
  6. Keine Heimat - No homeland
  7. Herbsterwachen - Autumn awakening
  8. Fragwürdig - dubious
  9. Bist du taub? - Are you deaf
Herbert Grönemeyers biggest hit was "männer"(men) taken from the album "bochum", released 1984 (Bochum is his hometown). Besides making music he appeared in the following movies.

  1. 1978: "Uns reicht das nicht" -- Regie: Jürgen Flimm
  2. 1978: "Die Geisel" -- Regie: Peter Zadek
  3. 1978: "Daheim unter Fremden" -- Regie: Peter Keglevic
  4. 1979: "Von Tag zu Tag" -- Regie: Ulrich Stein
  5. 1979-81: "Das Boot" -- Regie: Wolfgang Petersen
  6. 1982: "Frühlingssinfonie" -- Regie: Peter Schamoni
  7. 1983: "Die ewigen Gefühle" -- Regie: Peter Beauvais
  8. 1985: "Väter und Söhne" -- Regie: Bernhard Sinkel
  9. 1986: "Wahnsinn - Der Wackersdorf-Film" -- Regie: Chris Wagner
He also owns his own record label called "Grönland". If you want to know more go to www.groenemeyer.de or http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Venue/5831/nojava.htm

Decimal 246/hex E6 is the code in both ISO 8859-1 and Windows code page 1252.
The HTML named entity is ö - ö
The HTML numeric entity is ö - ö
You can also produce it with the Unicode COMBINING DIAERESIS as ö - ö
The letter ö is used in Estonian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Swedish, and Turkish, all with essentially the same sound, a rounded front vowel, something like the English vowel of bird, colonel (but without an R sound).

In the Germanic languages (German, Icelandic, Swedish) it generally arises from the umlaut mutation of an O that was once followed by I or J, as in German Vogel 'bird', plural Vögel: pluralization is one common use. The same sound existed for the same reason in early Old English but turned into E, which is why we have pairs such as goose ~ geese and long ~ length.

In Icelandic use of the letter is modern; it replaces the Old Norse letter Ø, pronounced in the same way, but has also subsumed a different letter, O with a hook under it, pronounced like the O in (British) English hot, which arose as a U-mutation of A. For example, the vowel in taka 'to take' changes to Ö in vidh tökum 'we take'. [That dh is meant to be the edh or crossed-curly-d ð (ð), which however is not a friend of browsers.] The U-mutation is still a living feature of Icelandic: the (nominative) drink Fanta becomes Föntu in other cases.

Another origin is borrowing: German Frisör 'hairdresser' is from French friseur, where EU has the same sound.

In Finnish Ö is an alternant in vowel harmony with O: for example the interrogative suffix is -ko or -kö depending on the preceding vowel.

Hungarian has a peculiar letter that I can't write here *cough* Netscape. An acute accent indicates length: so Á is long A, Ó is long O. Hungarian has short vowels Ö and Ü; to make these long replace the two dots with two acutes. In Unicode it's ő and makes this: ő

In Greek, English, and Dutch it may occasionally be seen in the role of diaeresis, that is separating two vowels that would usually be read as a digraph. The classic example is coöperate, which of course you never see any more written like that.

A kind of Nodeshell Challenge, only this was triggered by the fourth and last line of a now-deleted write-up, which said "(What more can be said about ö?)".

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