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The Best of The Week

This will be my last daylog in a long time. I initially intended to use this as a place to self-reflect in order to better myself, but I feel that I have been venting here more than is really appropriate for this type of community. Huge thank you to wertperch, fliphone, and stasik for thoughtfully reading and responding to my logs over the years.

I don't think I should continue to reflect in the same manner that I have been. I feel that I have progressively gone from improving myself to indulging myself. The bad parts of me get lamented and I reiterate that I am miserable. I can't keep doing this. It isn't good for me.

Thank you to everyone. I am deeply grateful to how your thoughts helped me to refocus my conscious mind and understand my unconscious a little better. I am extremely sorry for any anguish or frustration or annoyance I have caused for anyone, mentioned or unmentioned alike, from my poor contemplation and neuroticism.

I will still write here in other ways, such

In 2022 Reddit introduced an alternative to shadow banning; as in shadow banning, the troll would be cut off from other users on the website, their posts hidden, and the user not informed. However, through the magic of technology, an army of bots would reply to the post agreeing, praising, and generally supporting the banned user. All the users comments and posts were hidden, as were all the auto-generated replies; the user need never know, nor ever be unhappy.

But actually, no.

  Hi there. Pretty new here, but also new to Arizona. It's a hellscape, yeah, but I personally think it's not too bad. Came here a year or so ago, and some notes are:

  1. It is a dry heat.
  2. The people here are usually the nicer kind of redneck if they must be one, but that may just be me being white.
  3. I have not met a single person who didn't live within a couple dozen miles of either Phoenix or Tuscon. Out of

News for Noders

September 8: Happy birthday svntax!

September 16: Feliz cumpleaños Ancientsnow!

September 18: Happy birthday Stuart!

September 25: Happy birthday Templeton!

September 26: Stanislav Petrov Day.

September 27: Happy birthday Uberbanana!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

August 1: Brevity Quest 2024 starts today!

August 4: Happy birthday avalyn!

August 6: 広島

August 9: 長崎

August 27: Happy birthday Bitriot!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

July 1: Canada Day.

July 4: America Day.

July 15: Side Quest 2024 ends.

July 25: Happy birthday TanisNikana!

July 26: Happy birthday teleny!

If you have anything to add to this calendar, let Tem42 know.

June 3: Saint kevin's Day.

June 4: Aesop's Birthday.

June 11: TerribleAspect's birthday!

June 13: Serjeant's Muse's birthday!

June 16: Bloomsday.

June 19: Juneteenth.

June 20: Side Quest 2024 begins!

June 20: Summer solstice (northern hemisphere) and winter solstice (southern hemisphere).

June 21: nicolasstag's birthday!

June 23: AdamTheDewott's birthday!

June 23: weroland's birthday!

June 28: Tau Day.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

May 1: May day.

May 3: Happy birthday ImConfused!

May 4: May the Fourth be with you!

May 8: Happy birthday E2D2!

May 10: Happy birthday BIII!

May 12: Mother's day in the USA.

May 27: Memorial Day in the USA.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.